Dr. Reckeweg Arum Triphyllum Dilution 1000 CH
Dr Reckeweg & Co
In-stock bottle of 11 ml Dilution


This remedy is prepared from a plant i.e. arum triphyllum. It is used for cough and cold, running nose, allergic rhinitis, oral ulcers, sore-throat, hoarse voice and skin rash.


Nostrils are sore
Sneezing with running nose
Discharge watery, irritating, blood stained
Blocked nose, difficulty in breathing
Allergic rhinitis
Dryness in nose, more on right side
Itching of the nose, occasionally resulting in bleeding from nose
Constant picking at nose until it bleeds


Oral ulcers
Burning in mouth
Cracks around the corners of mouth
Soreness felt on tongue
Raw feeling at roof and palate


Hoarseness of voice
Burning pain in throat with redness
Cough increasing on talking and singing
Expectoration of much mucus
Voice uncertain, uncontrollable
Worse, talking, singing

Dose- As advised by physician. Can be taken with Allopathic medicines

Precautions: Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine.
Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing.

Side Effects: None reported.

Use under medical supervision.