SBL Phytolacca Berry Mother Tincture Q
SBL Pvt Ltd
In-stock bottle of 30 ml Mother Tincture


Phytolacca berry is a homeopathic remedy made from poke root and mainly used for glandular complaints. There is weakness, soreness, aching and restlessness.
It is used in the following conditions
The tonsils are swollen and dark red in colour with pain radiating to the ears while swallowing
Ulcers in the throat with diphtheria
The throat feels hot and there is a sensation as if something is stuck in the throat difficulty in swallowing anything hot
Mumps with swelling of the parotid glands
Breasts are very hard and sensitive to touch with abscess formation.
Breast cancer and tumors are seen with swelling of the other associated glands
There are cracks and ulcers on the nipples, and when the child nurses the pain is radiated from the breast to the entire body.
Most of the symptoms are worse by getting wet in the rains or exposure to cold damp weather and better by warm and dry climate.
Dose- As prescribed by physician. Can be taken with allopathic medicines.
Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine.
Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing
Side effects: None reported
Similar drugs- Bryonia, Rhus Tox, Mercurius, Sangunaria

Use under medical supervision.