SBL 104 Immunity Booster Pack (Combo Of 2)
SBL Pvt Ltd
In-stock packet of 1 Kit


Sbl'S Immunity Booster Pack contains Alfalfa Malt Energy Stimulant and Alfalfa Tonic.
Alfalfa Malt Energy Stimulant
Alfalfa Malt Energy Stimulant contains Alfalfa Q, Avena sativa Q, Ginseng Q, Cinchona officinalis 2x, Hydrastis canadensis 2x, Kalium phosphoricum 3x, Kalium arsenicosum 4x, Ferrum aceticum 3x, Calcarea phosphorica 3x. SBL Alfalfa Malt provides all essential nutrients to growing children and old debilitated persons. It also increases iron content and thus helps anemic patients.
Directions for use:
Adults 1 tablespoonful 3 times a day and children 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day Or as directed by the Physician.
Alfalfa Tonic 
Alfalfa Tonic contains Alfalfa Q, Kali phosphoricum 3x, Avena sativa Q, Kali arsenicosum 6x, Ginseng Q, Ferrum aceticum 3x, Cinchona officinalis Q, Calcarea phosphoric 3x, Hydrastis Canadensis Q.Malt is made from germinated barley which is a natural source of proteins, carbohydrates, essential vitamins, and minerals. Moreover, it contains no fat and cholesterol. It boosts your immune system and keeps you healthy. SBL’s Alfalfa Tonic, a tonic with natural ingredients, ensures vitality & proper functioning of all body systems.
Directions for use:
Adults 1 tablespoonful, Infants up to 2 years- 1 teaspoonful, Children: 1-2 teaspoonful and Children above 2 years- 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day before meals Or as prescribed by the physician.

Use under medical supervision.