In-stock bottle of 100 ml Syrup


Livo syrup is an herbal preparation to correct & protect the vital organ liver. It also promotes hepatocellular (liver cells) regeneration, promotes normal hepatic (liver) function & stimulates appetite & growth. It contains Marich, Saunth, Pippali, Rohitak, Giloy, Shwet punarnaw,Musta, Chirayta, Bhringaraj.
It is indicated in case of enlarged or fatty liver, infective and toxic hepatitis due to drugs, alcohol nutritional disorders and infantile liver disorders. Livo syrup improves the functional efficiency of liver, arrests hepatitis damage and it accelerates metabolic activity thus restoring liver also improves digestion, enhances assimilation and is effective in jaundice.

Direction for use:
Adults: 1 to 2 teaspoonful twice a day or
Chidren: ½ to 1 teaspoonful twice a day

Use under medical supervision.