Dhootapapeshwar Sootikabharan Rasa Premium Quality Suvarnakalpa
Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited
In-stock packet of 10 tablets


Dhootapapeshwar Sootikabharan Rasa Premium Quality Gold contains Suvarna Bhasma, Roupya Bhasma, Tamra Bhasma, Pravala Bhasma, Shuddha Parad, Shuddha Gandhak etc. as active ingredients.

Key benefits of Dhootapapeshwar Sootikabharan Rasa Premium Quality Gold:
Acts as detoxifying agent by eradicating toxins affecting female reproductive system due to unhygienic conditions or improper handling during delivery.
Also improves strength, vitality, and immunity of the mother.

Direction for use:
Take 1 to 2 tablets 2 - 3 times a day with Dashamoolarishta, Ashokarishta, Milk or honey or as per disease or as directed by the Ayurvedic doctor.

Sootikaroga developed due to improper Garbhashaya Shodhan such as Sootikajwara, Makkalshoola, Dhanurvata, Dourbalya, Shwetapradar, Agnimandya, Malavarodha, Septic ulcers developed in Genital Tract.

Safety information:
Keep out of the reach and sight of the children. Read the label carefully before use.

Use under medical supervision.