Dhootapapeshwar Tapyadi Loha
Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited
In-stock bottle of 60 tablets


Dhootapapeshwar Tapyadi Loha contains 5 parts of each Suvarnamakshik Bhasma, Shuddha Shilajeet, Roupya Bhasma, Mandoora Bhasma, Chitrak, Haritaki, Bibhitak, Amalaki, Shunthi, Marich, Pippali, Vidanga and Sharkara as active ingredients.

Key benefits of Dhootapapeshwar Tapyadi Loha:
An excellent Agnideepak, Saptadhatuvardhak, Ojovardhak, Rasayan.
Increases Majja, Shukradhatu and acts as Balya and Vatashamak.
Helpful in proper functioning of Yakrut, Pleeha, Vrukka, Hrudaya, and Mastishka.

Direction for use:
Consume 1 to 2 tablet (125 to 250 mg) 2 times a day with Ghruta, milk, honey or lukewarm water or as directed by the Ayurvedic doctor.

Pandu, Krumijanya Pandu, Hrudroga, Kamala, Pramehajanya Kotha, Twacharoga, Amlapitta, Sravi Arsha and Irregular menstruation.

Safety information:
Keep out of the reach and sight of the children. Read the label carefully before use.

Use under medical supervision.