SBL Terebinthinae Oleum 0/27 LM
SBL Pvt Ltd
In-stock bottle of 20 gm Globules


Terebinthinae has a selective affinity for bleeding mucous surfaces. Tympanitis and urinary symptoms very marked, inflammation of kidneys, with hemorrhages - dark, passive, fetid. Bright s disease preceded by dropsy, drowsiness and strangury, unbroken chilblains. 

The remedy affects the kidneys, the bladder, mucous membranes of bronchi and intestines. Symptoms aggravate from dampness and cold, kidney disorders are accompanied with rheumatic complaints. 

Terebinthina is also a remedy for cystitis and urethritis, the indications being great tenderness on pressure over the pubes, very frequent desire to micturate, strangury and burning pain in the urethra during micturition and the passage of blood in the urine. Urethritis is often accompanied by painful erections. 
Use under medical supervision.